Professor George Nikoladze

(August 11, 1888, vil. Didi-Jikhaishi, Georgia - September 22, 1931, Tbilisi, Georgia)


1898-1906 studies at 1st Tphilisi Classical secondary Gymnasium
1906-1913 studies at Petersburg Technological Institute
1913 was granted Diploma of Technological Engineer in Metallurgy
1928 was granted Diplome de Docteur ès Sciences Mathématiques, Faculté des Sciences de Paris, Academie de Paris


1918-1931 worked as lecturer and then professor at Tbilisi State University


Algebraic geometry


(i) Papers

  1. Sur une méthode nouvelle de la géométrie analytique. Bulletin de l'Université de Tiflis, 1 (1919-1920), 140-152.
  2. Einige Eigenschaften der Risspunktkurve in der Variationsrechnung. Bulletin de l'Université de Tiflis, 3 (1923), 324-328.
  3. Géneralisation d'un théorème de M. Bertini. C. R. Acad. Sci., 185 (1927), 1005-1009.
  4. Sur les systèmes continus des figures géometriques. These. Paris (1928), 1-97.
  5. Sur le contact entre les figures géométriques appartenant à un système continu. C. R. Acad. Sci., 186 (1928), 324-344.
  6. Arithmomètre a multiplication directe purement électrique. C.R. Acad. Sci., 186 (1928), 1005-1007.
  7. Sur les configurations del'espace ordinaire. C. R. Acad. Sci., 187 (1928), 93-97.
  8. Sur les points caractéristiques d'une courbe appartenant à un système continu. C. R. Acad. Sci., 189 (1929), 820-822.
  9. Sur une méthode géné de recherches des propriétés invariantes des figures géométriques. Atti Accad. Lincei, 11 (1930), 879-883.
  10. (ii) Text-books

  11. Elements of differential geometry (with prefaces by E. Cartan (French) and N. Muskhelishvili and G. Nikoladze's biography by N. Muskhelishvili), (Georgian) Sakhelgami, Tphilisi, 1934.

    (iii) Some Other Publications

  12. Russian-Georgian technical dictionary. (Compiled by terminology section of Georgian Technical Society with G. Nikoladze as co-author). Tphilisi, 1920
  13. Russian-Georgian and Georgian-Russian technical dictionary (Compiled by terminology section of Georgian Technical Society with G. Nikoladze as co-author), Tphilisi, 1921.
  14. Russian-Georgian and Georgian-Russian dictionary of mathematical terms. Pure and applied mathematics with theoretical mechanics. Sakhelgami, Tphilisi, 1925 (co-authors: N. Muskhelishvili, A. Kharadze).
  15. Results of tests on ferroalloy smelting in an electrical furnace at at experimental plant in Tiflis (Russian) (co-authors: I. R. Nizheradze, I. S. Lordkipanidze). Transactions of 1st All-Union Conference on Ferroalloys, 118-144 Moscow-Leningrad, ONTI, 1935.

Bibliography on G. Nikoladze

  1. N. Muskhelishvili, George Nikoladze. Biography in G. Nikoladze's text-book [10] (Georgian); Reprinted (in Georgian and Russian) with minor changes in Tbilisis Mat. Institutis Shromebi [Russian title: Trudy Tbiliss. Mat. Inst. A. Razmadze (Proc. Tbilisi A. Razmadze Mat. Inst.)] 15(1947), 1-15.
  2. Eli Cartan, Preface in G. Nikoladze's text-book [10]. (French and Georgian) Sakhelgami, Tbilisi, 1934.
  3. A. N. Bogolyubov, George Nikoladze. (Russian) Nauka, Moscow, 1973.
  4. T. Ebanoidze. Letters about Georgian mathematicians. (Georgian) Metsniereba, Tbilisi, 1981.
  5. George Nikoladze (collection of papers compiled by T. Ebanoidze) (Georgian). Tsodna Soc Publ., Tbilisi, 1988.

G. Nikoladze with his Father, the well-known Georgian public figure and writer Niko Nikoladze (1843-1928)